Download and View Signup Reports

To download reports from the Signups module, simply do the following...

  1. Go to the Signups module in your account.
  2. CLICK the three dots on the desired signup located to the right of the published date.
  3. CLICK on the corresponding ‘Export to XLS’ icon to get an Excel version of the report.
  4. CLICK on the corresponding ‘Export to PDF’ icon to get a pdf version of the report.

- OR -

  1. Go to the Signups module in your account.
  2. Click on the Reports menu item located on left hand side.
  3. A reports for ALL signups will then download.


  • Be sure any popup blockers are turned off for this to allow the file to download.
  • Some computers will not recognize the .xls file format and show a warning. It is OK to proceed past this warning.
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